Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mixed reception for Euskaltel jersey

The new Euskaltel-Euskadi jersey, here worn by Aitor Hernandez, got a mixed respons on my poll "Rate the new Euskaltel shirt". The majority, 44 %, voted for "OK", while 31 % said "Liked the old one better. 13 % voted "Nice, looks better than last year`s". The remaining 12 % voted equally for "Beautiful" and "Worst they`ve ever had". Personally, I think it looks great. I especially like the black-coloured shorts to go with the light orange colour on the shirt. Looks perfect to Euskaltel`s Orbea bikes; black and orange.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 pm

    Samu likes it, too ;)

    In reality it's nice... It's ok, there are not too big changes like a color change from orange to green or something like that. First I was a bit decepted by the black pants, but now it's ok.
