Sunday, March 04, 2007

Astarloza 10th overall in Valencia

Mikel Astarloza ended up 10th overall of the Volta a la Comunidad Valenciana, which ended today. Today`s last and flat stage saw all Euskaltel riders finish safe inside the main peloton, which ensured Euskaltel ended up fourth in the team rankings. On GC, Mikel secured a good 10th, Samu Sánchez 12th, Iban Velasco 47th, Rúben Pérez 48th, Aitor Hernandez 52nd, Joseba Zubeldia 87th, Jon Bru 97th, and Gorka Verdugo 102nd. Tomorrow will see the one-day Clasica Almería get under way. Euskaltel will be fielding a very strong team, so check this space for updates.


  1. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Hi Magnus!
    Yesterday I surfed in the internet and by luck I found your blog. I was very happy when I saw that, because there are a lot of news about my favourite team. I often read cycling pages in the net for search informations about Euskaltel.
    I'm 21 years old and I live in Hungary, Budapest, now I learn in a university. I watched my first Tour on TV in 2000., and day by day I've fallen in love of cycling. My favourite Tour was the Centenary TdF in 2003 because of Iban and Haimar were both on the top 10 in overall, and Iban win the Alpe d'Huez. That was a fantastic stage and a great win! Since that year I'm Euskaltel fan. My 2 favourite riders are Oscar Sevilla and Iban Mayo, and naturally the only Hungarian Pro rider, Bodrogi Laci. But the most important for me is the Euskaltel team in the sport!
    In 2003 the basque fans in the mountains were frenetic. A love this team because its attitude, because of the traditionals. In this fucking globalized world we have to honour if somebody has know his own roots and can identify himself. Some people don't do that, but I think the basque people know their traditionals and attend their traditionals. And this is a very positive thing, I think.
    In the biggest Hungarian cycling forum ( I made a topic called Euskaltel Euskadi some months ago. (there, if you want to see: )
    I wanted to do that in 2005, when I started to surfing on the net, but I didn't do that then, because I thougt there aren't Hungarian Euskaltel fans. But luckily I slipped, now this topic is one of the most popular cycling topic in the index, there are 2-3 warm fans, who often write entries there. I often translate into Hungarian news and interviews about Euskaltel and about the riders from Diario Vasco, El Correo and from another sites. I read your blog and I found some interviews, that I didn't read. For example I didn't know the homepage of Deia, so I'm happy to found that page and your blog. I will translate these interviews, when I have a little time..

    Nice days and thank you for your work to write this blog, I will go back there to read the news! And Aupa Euskadi! Euskaldun zintzoak aurrera! ;)


  2. Hi:)
    Nice to hear you like my blog. Feedback is invaluable...
    I too fell in love with Euskaltel after watching them in the 2001, 2002, 2003 TdF. As you say, the team represents a "country", something which is very rare in such a globalized world.
