Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Heroic ride by Iban

Iban did a great stage today considering his knee-pains that continue to hamper him. As Iban finished almost 10 minutes down on the first stage, Iban had to work for the team today. He did so with great work at the front, towing the peloton mile after mile together with Camaño, Piepoli, Lobato and De la Fuente. You could see Iban several times giving it his all in the chase for the 8 escapees. Eventually Iban dropped of the front and finished third to last, 21:43 down, together with team-mate Rubén Lobato and Italian climbing-ace Giuseppe Guerini. Though he isn`t able to dispute the stages or the overall due to his injuries, his work for the team is really appreciated by Saunier Duval riders, staff and fans alike. Aupa Iban!


  1. Anonymous9:32 pm

    I knew today about the knee injuries for Iban. What a pity!!

  2. Great post. Great headline.
    I was really disappointed in Iban until I read this.
    Thanks, magnus.

  3. No prob:) He`s really doing a great job for the team. Hope to see him in a break soon.

  4. Magnus, you should be hired as Iban's publicist. Nice write-up!
