Friday, May 18, 2007

Haimar 18th in Portugal

Todays second stage of the Portuguese stage-race Paredes Rota dos Moveis came down to a mass-sprint, just like yesterday. None of the Euskaltel riders were able to fight for the win, but Haimar Zubeldia came home 18th. Everyone but Unai Uribarri and Lander Aperribay, who came in 18 and 20 seconds down respectively, came in with the pack. On GC, Rubén Pérez is 9th at 7 seconds, while Haimar, Igor Antón, Iban Mayoz and Iban Iriondo all are 10 seconds down. Tomorrow is the queen-stage of the four-day race, and Igor and Haimar in particular will try to conquer the stage as well as the overall.

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