Sunday, May 27, 2007

Iban the super-domestique

Iban had a brilliant day in the Giro today, and gave captain Simoni valuable help to claw back some time on Maglia Rosa Di Luca. Iban formed part of the break of the day, together with 10 other strong-men, on the early slopes of the gigantic Passo San Marco. Though, with 3 km to go, he somehow dropped backwards. Iban crossed the top half a minute down, but his decending skills brought him quickly back to the leaders again. Here the group had about 2 minutes on the peloton, and the group no doubt looked good to stay away. Though, on the descent of the San Marco, captain Simoni had got away with Savoldelli, Mazzoleni, Garzelli, Codol and Pellizotti. Therefore, Iban naturally had to drop back to aid Simoni. He did so with some style and success, as Iban set an infernal pace on the early slopes of the 10-km Dossena climb. Iban`s pace at the front was so high that climbers like Rasmussen and Losada were left trailing in his wake immediately. With Iban`s help, the front-group maintained a 1 minute lead until the end. Though, with 2 km to go on the Dossena, Iban was finished, and drifted backwards and backwards, clearly with tomorrow`s race-deciding stage on his mind, to finish 73rd, 17:06 down. Though, what matters is that Iban helped maintain Simoni`s hope of winning a third Giro, and if Iban continues to ride as he did today, Gibo might just do that. Magnificent...


  1. I wasn't impressed by Mayo. In the breakaway group he had difficulties climbing the first mountain. All lot of non-climbers did it a lot better. And he could help Simone only for a short while, nothing compared to the great effort Peopoli delivered a few days a go.

    By the way, according to commentator of Belgium television Mayo wants to loose 4 more kilo's the gets his optimal form.

  2. Well, you`ve certainly got a point. Iban didn`t look very strong on San Marco, but when he started riding shotgun for Simoni on the Dossena, riders went right out the back. Rasmussen was gone in an instant, and so too was Losada, both who are good climbers, especially the Dane of course.
    Drop 4 more kilos? He looked more than thin enough to me...
