Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oroz unveiled

Euskaltel`s new signing, Juan José Oroz, was as scheduled presented to the public today. The 26-year-old, with the company of Fundacion Ciclista Euskadi head Miguel Madariaga, sports director at Orbea, Alvaro Gonzalez de Galdeano, together with two representatives from Orbea, Joseba Arizaga and Alex Lopez de Sosoaga, showed himself for the first time in an Euskaltel shirt, and spoke of his move from Orbea to the Pro Tour and Euskaltel. Here`s what the new aquisition said: "My dream has come true. It`s my home-team, it`s on the highest level, the Pro Tour, and for me this was always the goal. Now that I have the possibility to ride for the team, I will give it my all, as my desire to make it here is huge". He also talked of his injury, the Orbea team and what type of rider he is: "I`m over it (the injury), and thanks to Orbea I`ve been able to enjoy myself on the bike again, and now I`m with Euskaltel. I see myself as quite a complete rider. Now that I`ve gone up a level, I`ll have to adapt, but I`ll always try to be stable and to show that I`m a complete rider. We`ll see where that takes me". After Juanjo had done most of the talking, Alvaro spoke of him as a true prefessional, and that Juanjo represents all what Orbea stand for. Go to www.fundacioneuskadi.com for the full "speech".

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