Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Antton and Andoni out of Suisse

Euskaltel`s Tour de Suisse misery continued today as Andoni Aranaga and Antton Luengo both called it quits today. Andoni has been riding through pain for two days now, as he crashed badly on the first stage, so I no doubt understand his decision. But why Antton abandoned, I don`t know. I`ll tell you once I find out, though. The stage itself didn`t go too well for Euskaltel either, as Jon Bru was the best placed rider in a distant 43rd position. There`s not much more to tell really, so I`ll just bring you the results:
  • 43rd, Jon Bru, 7:11
  • 69th, Iván Velasco, 11:41
  • 83rd, Ibán Velasco, 15:34
  • 115th, Juanjo Oroz, 20:27
  • 152nd, Beñat Albizuri, 24:25


  1. Anonymous1:36 pm

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  2. Sounds interesting:D
