Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Markel Euskaltel`s representative in ITT

Markel Irizar will be Euskaltel`s sole representative in the Spanish National Championship time trial this coming Friday. Markel has delivered great results in TTs so far this year, and by looking on the startlist, I reckon he might get a top 10 spot, something which would have been great for him. The top favourites are, well, Caisse d`Epargne, with Plaza, León Sánchez and Gutierrez all taking part. The profile is rather hilly in fact, something that will hopefully suit Markel. Why Markel is the only rider from Euskaltel taking part, I don`t know, but what I do know is that more of them should participate. Those who won`t ride the Tour should have taken this chance to improve their TTing. But, anyway, Markel will represent Euskaltel in a brilliant way I`m sure...

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