Thursday, June 14, 2007

No Iban positive

Well, this whole situation about Iban and this positive test is just a complete mess. Has Iban even been tested? Has he returned a positive sample? According to "Matxin" Fernández, sports director at Saunier, the answer to these questions are both "no".

The news of three positives in the Giro broke yesterday. The Gazzetta dello Sport claimed one Spaniard and two Italians had returned positive tests. Though, why Iban is supposed to be this Spaniard no one knows. It seems that this is just a rumour. According to the Gazzetta, the Spaniard in question was caught with elevated testosterone levels. The name of the rider has not been made official, but as Iban has a certificate for high levels of testosterone, and has encountered similar problems earlier, people started to think Iban was the one. Though, this is in fact impossible, as the test that returned positive with testosterone was taken after the Monte Zoncolan stage. Iban did not do any kinds of tests after that stage. The only riders to be tested that day was Simoni and Piepoli. Iban was only tested after his stage win on the 19th stage. Further, Saunier Duval has not received any kind of notification on Iban testing positive, so everything seems to be just bullshit. So, all Iban fans, I think we can relax. When "Matxin" was asked why people mentioned Iban in this case, he said: "Because everyone knows Iban has got a certificate (for natural high testosterone levels). And, no one has said anything to us about Iban. We`ve spoken to the UCI, and they`ve said there`s no problem". I guess that sums it all up quite well...


  1. Oh, thank god.
    Besides, Iban isn't Spanish...

  2. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Well, I can't relax until it's 100% official that the Spanish rider isn't Iban... I really hope you're right, Magnus!

    By the way, great climbing by Igor Anton on Mount Ventoux today!

  3. Yeah, I think as well Mikel and Haimar were brilliant!
