Friday, June 29, 2007

No NC for Iban confirmed

Saunier Duval published a list of 13 riders who`ll ride the Spanish National Championship road race on Sunday, and Iban did not figure. Neither does heavy-hitters like Gil or Marchante. I seriously don`t know why Iban won`t take part, and I think it`s a shame really. The course suits him, it`s a prestigious race, and, most importantly, it would have given him a chance to compete. Competition would certainly benefit Iban at this moment I think, as he hasn`t been competing since the Giro, and the Tour is due to start in a week. Such a hard race would also give him a clue as to where he stands compared to other Tour contenders, so that his form won`t be an unknown coming into the Tour. But, well, I guess once again that Iban and his Saunier chiefs know what they`re doing.


  1. Anonymous12:26 am

    I think it's because he hasn't signed this doping paper and maybe because of that he won't ride the tour?! He left euskaltel because of this doping thing

  2. No, don`t think so. He`ll sign the decleration, trust me, and he`ll ride the Tour. Btw, he didn`t leave Euskaltel because he didn`t want to sign this doping thing. He didn`t want to sign a document regarding public appearances and behaviour.

  3. Anonymous9:22 am

    Let's make a bet!

  4. OK, I`m in. I bet my blog on Iban signing the anti-doping chart. You`ll get my blog for free if I`m mistaken:D

  5. Anonymous5:48 pm

    I don't understand how you can be so sure that Iban will sign, Magnus. In my eyes, the possibility of Iban using dope is just as big as with any other cyclist... For example I always thought Ivan Basso was a clean and honest guy, but he sure proved me wrong! But I really hope you're right, and if or when Iban signs this chart, I will be 100% sure he's clean! No one who's using doping would be stupid enough to sign. So let's just wait and see, and hope for the best!

  6. In fact, I think many doped cyclists have signed the decleration, as there really isn`t any other option...
