Sunday, July 22, 2007

Good ITT by Iban

Iban did a good individual time trial in Albi yesterday I reckon. He dropped from third to twelfth on GC, but as the TT was 54 kilometres long, that wasn`t such a big surprise. A 46th place finish, ahead of riders like Valverde, Bruseghin and Grabsch, was a good result, and further highlighted that he`s made improvements. And, I was really happy no to see him finish among the 11 best like Rasmussen did. That was just pathetic wasn`t it? He usually finishes down in 140th place or something... Embarrassing for our sport, and it made me laugh to see him ride that well. Though, enough about Rasmussen. Yeah, Iban did great, and I think he`ll do something great in the Pyrenees. All his fans and family will be out to see him today, so he`ll no doubt be up for it. Aupa Iban!


  1. Anonymous8:25 pm

    People like you are what's embarrassing for this sport, judging people just because they make good results. And I'm extra disappointed t hat this comes from an Iban-fan, cause he (Mayo) has gotten a lot of the same shit from judgmental people...

    We have seen again and again what the yellow jersey can do with a rider, besides; this tempo suited Rasmussen much better than an ordinary flat one (as we will have on Saturday by the way). And he probably has worked ALOT on his TTing, as winning the Tour de France has been on his mind for very long time...

    I just had to say this, cause I'm really fed up whit people bringing cycling down to a level like this...

    And yes, a ok TT by Iban, but a terrible stage by him today, but I think he saved himself today on the last climb when he saw he couldn't win, at least I hope so...

  2. Remember, this is a blog, where the point is to express your OWN opinios...

  3. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Yes, and you have all rights to express whatever you want of course. But the way you wrote about Rasmussen , as if it was obvious that he was cheating, made me want to comment on it.

    If a surprisingly good result is equal with doping to you, thats fine by me, but I'll have to say I think it's a childish and a strange way of thinking. Cycling has suffered from big doping-problems over the last years, but assuming that someones is doped based on a good results is just stupid I think...

    But of course you have all rights to say whats your opinion, but I also have the right to express how stupid I think your opinion is ;-)

  4. I`m cool with that, but it`s not like I think every good or surprising performance is because of doping. But, Rasmussen is under fire for avoiding doping tests these days, and his VERY sudden improvement in TTs don`t help....

  5. Anonymous6:30 pm

    I agree, it's suspicious, no doubt about that, but I always give the riders the benefit of the doubt until it's proven that they are guilty...
