Sunday, July 01, 2007

Iban unhappy with anti-doping chart

Iban has stated his disapproval of UCI`s new anti-doping chart. Speaking exclusively to DEIA yesterday, Iban said: "I don`t want to (sign the decleration). But there`s no option. If I don`t, I won`t be able to ride the Tour, the team wouldn`t renew my contract, and it would leave me unemployed. It`s sad, but we just have to do what the UCI tells us, it`s like we don`t have a mind of our own".


  1. Anonymous1:30 pm

    what I said...

  2. I guess you were right

  3. Anonymous5:35 pm

    wow a whole blog for me :)

  4. Anonymous6:15 pm

    Wow, not so fast "anonymous", as I understand it, he will sign the contract. But as most of the other Spanish riders, he's not happy about it.

    But I am disappointed that he is so negative, I think this contract is a brilliant idea. No, the riders won't be able to do what they want, but crazy doping-times needs crazy solutions...

  5. Agree with you. It`s the only way forward really. And, yes, I think, no I know he`ll sign it eventually.

  6. Anonymous10:44 am

    but my trust in those riders is lower after these doping cases.

  7. Anonymous7:38 pm

    So you were wrong, whoever you are, Iban has signed... Your trust to the riders means nothing, everyone is of course innocent until proven guilty...
