Friday, July 13, 2007

No injuries for Iban

Iban took a tumble on yesterday`s fifth stage. Leif Hoste and some other dude crashed right in front of him, and even though Iban jumped at the brakes all he could, there was no way he could avoid it. Luckily he got up quick and won`t suffer from the fall in the next days according to himself. "The crash occurred wih 90 kilometres remaining", he told after the stage`s conclusion. "A rider from Lampre and another one from Predictor hit the ground. I braked all I could but couldn`t stay on my bike. My right elbow and left knee hurt a bit -nothing serious, though. The whole team waited for me and we managed to rejoin the peloton quickly. After the last climb, I felt OK. I was on the front because the downhill was dangerous, and I felt safe there. Let`s hope we can reach the mountains safe and sound after tomorrow`s stage. Today, it could`ve been much worse."


  1. It looks like he's in good form physically and mentally.

    And don't worry about the temporary lack of pictures, Magnus. Your writing more than makes up for it.
