Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another day goes by...

OK, I admit it, I have no idea when Iban's B-sample result will be made official. It's been a while... Though, it can only take so long, so I think every hour now is a possibility. But in a way it's good as well; that it's taking so long I mean. It's more good than bad if you are to analyze it. The chances that something doesn't add up, or that's something in the test doesn't make sense, gets bigger each day now. Though, I won't get my hopes up too much...


  1. Anonymous8:39 pm

    This is really a boring situation, I'm constantly checking out this site, and other cycling-sites like feltet.dk... Tough I'm 99% sure the B-sample will be positive, there's always a tiny little hope as long as the B-sample still is a mystery...

  2. Anonymous9:17 pm

    Yeah, my head says there's no chance, but my heart says there is.

    I become more and more nervous...

    I will never forget him anyway.

  3. I bet you it was negative and the UCI is trying to find out a way to clear it up.

  4. Anonymous9:21 pm


    I think that something happend, and only can be something good.
    I dont known the problem, but the possibility of a mistake or a not clear anality is bigger day by day.
    I keep my fingers crossed, but is hard to wait without news.

  5. Anonymous9:26 pm

    Iban's A sample was tested and found positive by the same lab that tested Floyd Landis' samples last year. If it turns out that this lab has fouled Iban's test up, then it could be very embarrassing in terms of the Landis case. Think about it!

  6. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Thats no good for Mayo for sure...

  7. Anonymous12:11 am

    i have no hope... :(

  8. It would be nice to hear from Iban himself as he must be aware of the situation and why there is a hold up.Like you Bolsen I am constantly checking this site and the other cycling news sites, even saunier duval in case of press release.Not so sure that the hold up is a good thing but can only hope.

  9. Yeah, would have been interesting to hear Iban's view for sure...

  10. When will the agony of the suspense end? This is the only site I can go to to check up on Iban because I cant read Spanish. Well that and cycling news only puts like to reports a day. Hope to see it soon....

  11. indeed. What the hell is the UCI doing??

  12. Anonymous12:03 am

    Think its because of the German organisation. They want to get the WC done, and the Germans are otherwise maybe blocking the WC.

    Strange anyway. Without any testresults. If I was Valverde, I would be very, very angry. He will not participate in the Vuelta because of that same WC...
