Tuesday, August 21, 2007

B-sample back Friday

Did Iban dope? We'll all find out by Friday if that's indeed the case. The testing of the B-sample commenced yesterday, but the results of the testing won't me made known until Friday. It's going to be a long wait...


  1. Anonymous3:52 pm

    No reason to get our hopes up, we'll only be disappointed once again... What I'm more exited about, is what Iban is going to do now, will he come back after the 2-year ban, and be back in the peleton in 2010? I hope so...

  2. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Indeed. I don't know why we still believe in him. What I'm really waiting for is some kind of statement by Iban.

    I don't think he is going back in 2010. He is already 30 years old and he wouldn't be able to race in GTs again

  3. I am really disappointed all ready I believed Iban was clean and still hold out a little hope that the B will come back as non positive though in reality I know the chances of that are minimal.I also hope that if he does get a 2 year ban that he will return to the pro peleton.Watching the 2003 Tour and seeing Iban drop Armstrong on Alpe d'Huez is the main reason that I got into road cycling and have been a big fan of his ever since. Fingers crossed.

  4. Yeah, he'll probably retire immediately I guess. I'm really exited about what he's going to say if the B-sample is also positive. Admit guilt/denial??

  5. Totally agree with you andyb:D

  6. Do you know if there has ever been a case where the B test result has been different from the A sample

  7. When it comes to EPO, no I don`t. But it has of course happened before when it comes to steroids and stuff. Or, wait, what did Kristina Smigun and Vuncent Vittoz test positive for?? Don`t remember...

  8. Smigun tested pos for norandrosterone but was negative on B sample and Vittoz for furosemide which is a masking agent. Could find no story on anyone being negative on B sample for EPO

  9. Anonymous12:48 am

    suggest you look at this link

  10. "Jones is just the latest in a string of athletes with B samples that don't confirm EPO positives from the A sample". Interesting like, thanks:D I guess there's a possibility, though a tiny one...

  11. With a good lawyer he can ride again in 6 months, don't know if you know Rutger Beke, he's a triatlon man, and he took epo or something but he got away with it just with a good lawyer :x
