Thursday, August 23, 2007

Beñat on the offensive in ENECO Tour

Beñat Albizuri once again managed to get into a break, this time in the ENECO Tour's first stage. Beñat jumped clear with three others after only five kilometres, and stayed away for more than 130 km until being caught with some 50 to go. It was great riding by Beñat on the hilly terrain in Belgium, and he got to show himself. For the rest of the squad, Mikel and Rubén were the best for the day. The pair came home 22nd and 25th respectively, both 37 seconds in arrears. The third best rider for the day was Beñat, 6:48 back in 54th place. Jorge, Aitor Galdos and Unai Etxebarria all came in with a big group 10:41 adrift, while Joseba was even furhter behind; 13:38. Why Iban Mayoz doesn't feature on the list I have no idea, but I guess he crashed and abandoned. More info on him later...

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