Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dismal TTT performance from Euskaltel

It was another TTT to forget as Euskaltel finished 19th out 23 teams in the Tour of Germany today. Koldo, Unai Uribarri, Juanjo Oroz, Aitor Galdos, Dioni, Alán, Jon and Antton crossed the line in that order. Besides that, not much to report really, sorry. Not much going on these days...


  1. At least they look fast, eh Magnus?

    I think it can't hurt to have Iban's sample tested by another lab. The French one isn't known for it's accuracy.
    My fingers are crossed.
    Maybe they'll freeze his sample by accident (a la Tyler Hamilton) and it will have to be thrown out.
    Anthing can happen, right?

    Sorry I have not been blogging. Too much work and too much racing here in NYC.

    My brother (Platogrande) is an idiot. He has not sent you your hat.
    I will attack him on every training ride from now on until he takes it to the post office.

    Anyway, thanks again for this blog. It is a priceless resource for Iban/Eus fans everywhere.
    Aupa Iban!

  2. Looking forward to the hat!! Though, don't worry, no big deal.
