Monday, August 27, 2007

Egoi returns!

Egoi Martínez has decided that Euskaltel is where he belongs, and has gladly put pen to paper on a two-year deal. Egoi turned down the possibility to ride for Saunier and Caisse d'Epargne, opting to join his former team. Egoi told Euskaltel's homepage shortly after signing: "I'm vey happy to return. I had good offers (from other teams as well), but the fact that Euskaltel's my home team played a big part in deciding where to go. Miguel Madariaga and Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano explained their philosophy and ambitions for the team, the importance of acting like a team, and I'm glad to be one of Euskaltel's riders again. I return to the team which gave me a chance to turn pro, and I'll give it my best to repay their faith in me". Welcome home Egoi!


  1. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Oleeeeeeeeeee!! What a dream!! How great!

    Ongi etorri etxean, Egoi!!

  2. Anonymous7:31 pm


  3. Anonymous8:15 pm

    i won't ever say again that this team is a shame. Egoi is the man!

  4. That's the spirit:D

  5. Anonymous8:28 pm

    and now please garate

  6. Couldn't agree more... But I'm afraid he's signed an extension wit QSI.

  7. Couldn't agree more... But I'm afraid he's signed an extension wit QSI.

  8. Anonymous10:24 am

    what is with gil?
