Monday, August 13, 2007

Euskaltel in contact with Egoi

According to DEIA, Euskaltel will hold talks with Egoi Martínez at the end of the week considering a transfer to the team. Egoi was left without a team for next season as Discovery Channel will cease to exist come the end of this season. This alerted Euskaltel head Miguel Madariaga, and Egoi is said to be interested in a return to his roots. Though, he also stated that he was hoping to receive offers from more teams as well, especially from Eusebio Unzue's Caisse d' Epargne formation.


  1. Please come to Euskaltel, don't go to Caisse, you will only have to work there :s

  2. Exactly. At Euskaltel he'll be one of the leaders I think...

  3. Anonymous3:07 pm

    maybe he can rock like mikel

  4. Yeah, Mikel has been an amazing signing hasn't he?

  5. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Yeah he has. He is at least as strong as haimar atm.
