Monday, August 06, 2007

Euskaltel look to the future

Euskaltel head Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano revealed that the team for the 2008 season will be made up of only 26 riders. That means that five riders will have to leave the team, as Javier Aramendia, now with Orbea, has already agreed to join Euskaltel. 30 riders are on the roster this year, or perhaps 29, I´m not sure in fact. Aketza Peña's situation is at the moment, to me at least, a bit up in the air following his positive test in the Giro d'Oro. Maybe I've missed something, but I can't recall the B-sample being tested. Anyway, Galdeano also said the team will reduce their racing schedule for next year. Races like Santarèm, Vuelta a Asturias, Vuelta a la Rioja and Trentino are all of the calendar for 2008. That's a bit sad I think, as I think Euskaltel is already the team doing the fewest races out of all 20 Pro Tour teams. I haven't looked at the statistics, but it sure feels like it.


  1. Anonymous11:42 am

    Well, it goes about quality of course. I hope they begin to perform better and better next season. Some of the Euskaltelguys (sorry to say) are not good enough for the ProTour.

  2. You´re right, some of them aren´t. Though, had hoped they would bring in some new faces, like Garate, Astarloa, Osa, Gaztañaga, but I guess they won't then...

  3. Anonymous5:24 pm

    There were rumours about Garate. Maybe they throw out even more current teammates, but we will see...

  4. I read about Garate as well. that would have been a fantastic signing...

  5. And now I read that perhaps Egoi Martínez will return. That would have been awesome!

  6. Anonymous8:06 am

    A signing of Egoi Martinez would be fantastic!
