Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The long wait

I don't know what to write to be honest. I just feel that I have a responsibility to keep you all up to date with Iban's B-sample testing. I'm sorry if my posts lack depth these days, but finding something to write about these days is hard to say the least. Iban, the UCI and the guys in Gent are all keeping their mouths shut, so nothing new to report, only that the testing process must surely have been finalized now. You can't test the same sample for more than a week and a half, so probably something has happened to the sample or perhaps it's gone missing. Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to doping-tests in France and Belgium. Anyway, stay positive, and maybe there's a happy ending to all this mess. As long as there is life there is hope.


  1. Anonymous11:09 pm

    How cool wouldn't it be if they messed up the B-sample, so they can't prove that it's positive?? =) Then there would be a possibility for Iban to go free! Even tough it would still mean that Iban probably was doped anyway, but that doesn't really matter to me anymore. I've been such a huge fan of him for years, so I will continue being a fan anyway... This is, as I see it, the biggest possibility for a happy ending...

  2. Anonymous12:13 am

    I don't know...we're still waiting for the Floyd Landis thing and the only reason we know for sure about Patrick S. is because he admitted what he did. Vino and his bunch are all taking the "I didn't do it" stance, so we'll have the whole arbitration thing again...

    Now this waiting game with Mayo. It just seems wrong. Give us some results already!

  3. Anonymous12:13 am

    I don't know...we're still waiting for the Floyd Landis thing and the only reason we know for sure about Patrick S. is because he admitted what he did. Vino and his bunch are all taking the "I didn't do it" stance, so we'll have the whole arbitration thing again...

    Now this waiting game with Mayo. It just seems wrong. Give us some results already!

  4. I don't think there will be a happy ending because I get the feeling that this may drag on like the Landis case. Will the UCI punish Iban anyway if his B sample has gone missing. The only way I think he will race again in the near future is if his sample comes back as negative and what is the likelihood of that. I am behind him all the way and can't imagine not watching for him in the pro tour, frustrating though that can be at times. I wonder if Iban knows how many fans (outside of the Basque Country) he actually has and how many people are routing for him?

  5. Anonymous3:12 am

    I want to believe

  6. Yeah, andyb, is he aware of his massive non-Spanish fan base??? Doubt it...

  7. Anonymous9:12 am

    The whole Landis-case is different, because he did get his B-sample back, it was positive as well. Vino also got his B-sample back quickly. In both cases the B-sample came back positive. Now, the chances of Ibans B-sample to be positive too is very very big, but my hope is that they've messed the B-sample up, so they can't tell if it's positvi or negative ;-)
