Saturday, August 25, 2007

Mayoz and Unai active in ENECO Tour

Euskaltel are not getting the results they were hoping for in ENECO so far, but at least they are giving it their all and putting in some admirable effort in trying to snatch a stage-win. Today saw Iban Mayoz figure in the first of the day's two breaks. Mayoz and I think 5 others broke away early on in the stage, and quickly got some minutes leeway. Though, for one reason or another, they were reeled back in halfway through the stage, and as a result paved way for another break to have a go. Unai Etxebarria and four others got a gap, but were as predicted caught with some 5 km to go. A sprint would decide the winner, but sadly Aitor was nowhere to be seen. He came in after the pack, precisely 52 seconds down. It that was down to a crash or puncture or something I have no idea. Unai also had to pay for his efforts today. He lost contact with the fast-moving bunch with some kilometres remaining, and came in 33 seconds in arrears. Except from that, the six other Euskaltel riders came in mid-pack.


  1. Aitor was the victime of a sweep in the peloton and was pushed into grass and had to stop :s

  2. Ah, okay, thanks for the info. Unlucky though...
