Saturday, August 04, 2007

What´s he saying?

I need some help from you Spanish speakers out there. The thing is I just watched this amusing Iban video on Youtube, where he´s interviewed by some guy. Iban doesn´t seem too interested and rides away laughing and saying something in Spanish. It´s quite funny actually, but I guess it would be more funny if I actually understood what he was saying. He then puts on some sort of a Japanese headband, before doing some Kung Fu moves of sorts for the camera guy. View it here, and if anyone knows what´s going on, tell me.


  1. Anonymous7:21 pm

    -No entiendo. I don't know. No comprendo

    -Come on, what is your best guess?

    -Bien. Bien. Okay. Good Good (laugh) (laugh)


    He was probably being interviewed but he doesn't speak english, so he just said 'I don't understant. I don't know. I don't ¿oomprehend?'. Then the other guy asks him 'come on, what is your best guess?' and he doesn't understand the question, so he says 'Bien. Bien. Okay. Good Good" and he just laughs... Bien means 'fine'

  2. Anonymous7:22 pm

    mistakes: understand, not 'understant'. And 'comprehend, not oomprehend'. Sorry :D

  3. Ah, thanks. Hilarious...

  4. Anonymous9:26 pm

    When I see Iban with the headband and the postive test of epo in mind I think of Kamikaze pilots... one shoot. Did anyone see him ride with the headband in the peloton btw?
