Tuesday, September 04, 2007

7 riders showed the door

Euskaltel have released a list of seven riders that won't be around next year. The riders didn't get their contracts extended, and are as a result free to look for new teams. The seven riders are:
  • Joseba Zubeldia
  • Iban Iriondo
  • Unai Uribarri
  • Iban Mayoz
  • Unai Etxebarria
  • Andoni Aranaga
  • Aketza Peña

Really sad to see them all go, but pro cycling is a though life, so I guess there's no mercy. Unai Etxebarria will retire, but what the rest of them will do I don't know. I'm afraid it'll be hard for most of them to find another team, especially these days...


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Yeah, sad for them, but they could not act on the highest level (except Unai maybe, but he retires), so its good for the team Euskaltel. This will btw mean that they will get another two new riders I think?

  2. No, now they're 25, which is the number of riders they were hoping for. 7 out, 2 in (Aramendia and Egoi).

  3. Anonymous10:09 am

    I am sorry... but from sportive view both (Egoi and Aramendia) together are almost as good as the seven who leave
