Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Close but no cigar for Aitor in Poland

Aitor Galdos sprinted to a good 9th spot on today's fourth stage of the Tour of Poland. Or, wait, Tour de Pologne I guess I should say, though that's a really lame name. Anyway, he got 9th just as Jon did a couple of days ago. A 9th place in a Pro Tour race is a really good result, but I'm left with the feeling that Aitor could easily have won some races this season if the margins had been on his side. Though, it's not all margins it has to be said, as his placing in the bunch leading up to the sprints are often lacklustre. Though, he's still young, so I guess he'll just get better and better as the years go by. On GC Markel is still well placed. He's 13th at the same number of seconds back, so good job by him. Aupa!

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