Sunday, September 09, 2007

Great weekend for Euskaltel

It's been a very good weekend for the whole squad, in Spain as well as in Poland. Here's a quick sum-up:

Samu Sánchez seems to be heading for his best form in Spain. A very good 19th on Saturday's ITT was followed up by impressive riding on the Cerler climb today to clinch 8th on the stage and a satisfying 7th overall. He looks to be getting better day for day now, so expect something great tomorrow. Igor also performed really well today. After disappointing a little in the time trial, coming home 71st, he bounced back today with a 15th place on the stage after being in the big break of the day for most of the stage. He's now 14th overall, so he too seems to be heading in the right direction. Dioni and Aitor also deserve mention. They placed 30th and 32nd respectively today, meaning that Dioni is now 28th overall. That's some quality riding, and has resulted in Euskaltel occupying 4th in the team rankings. Aupa Euskaltel! GC after today's stage:
  • 7th, Samu Sánchez, 4:42
  • 14th, Igor Antón, 7:51
  • 28th, Dioni Galparsoro, 12:53
  • 64th, Iñigo Landaluze, 27:08
  • 80th, Iñaki Isasi, 33:16
  • 92nd, Aitor Hernández, 36:31
  • 104th, Haimar Zubeldia, 40:59
  • 135th, Alán Pérez, 53:36
  • 143rd, Koldo Fernández, 56:08

It's not only in the Vuelta Euskaltel are doing well. The team got off to a shockingly good start in the Pro Tour stage-race Tour of Poland today, claiming 8th on the 3 km long, or short if you like, team time-trial. How Euskaltel pulled that off, with Markel the only real time-triallist present, is a mystery to me, but I guess it's got something to do with the terrible weather. But anyway, GREAT riding! The team is, by the way you've missed it, made up of Aitor Galdos, Andoni Aranaga, Markel Irizar, Jon Bru, Juanjo Oroz, Jon Bru, Iban Iriondo and Antton Luengo, with the two latter ones coming home 14 seconds after the 6 others had crossed the line. Look out for Aitor in the upcoming bunch gallops!


  1. Anonymous10:46 pm

    every team got the same result

  2. Yeah, I know. Due to the bad weather...

  3. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Its a pity that the difficult stages are ended after today. That's definately not good for Sanchez.

    But he will still win a stage, and end up good. Podium will be difficult.
