Sunday, September 02, 2007

Monday's the day?

I've got this strange feeling that tomorrow will be the day the test result will be unveiled. Don't know why, but I think Monday is a good day for such statements. Surely they must be finished now up in Ghent, so UCI, spread the word! If not, I'm going to get angry... This is taking WAY too long...


  1. Anonymous11:46 pm

    It would make sense...

  2. Anonymous6:16 pm

    what a brilliant stage in the vuelta today by EUSKALTEL. Respect

  3. Anonymous6:18 pm


    I dont think today is the day.Maybe is today, but maybe could take for a long.
    UCI must think what to do now with a mistake, becouse the first sample wasnt clear, in a laboratoy not famous for accuracy, and the B sample, in another laboratory, matbe now is not clear, not with the two stripes defined, what is the same, negative, but maybe now UCI is trying to change the rules of this kinds of analitics and now not clear two stripes is a positive.
    I think they are thinking what to do, becouse a negative now for Iban is something bad for UCI.

  4. Good point. Thanks for the input!

  5. Anonymous9:28 am

    After their 'targeting' of Mayo at the Tour and the subsequent positive first test, the UCI must have felt justified. If the second test is negative, then the UCI is in a difficult position as it contradicts such action. By delaying the result further though, they are losing any crediblity their actions gained them, whether the result is positive or not. There is still the respect of a human being to be considered
