Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Saunier Duval's new image

I couldn't believe it when I read Saunier had terminated Iban's contract. How can they just fire a rider without a B-sample to back up the positive A-sample? It doesn't make sense, but then Saunier Duval never really did either. To me it seems they're jumping on the chance to send out an anti-doping signal to the world, something they've never done before. I read they also got rid of Koldo Gil, a Basque climber implicated in the Operacion Puerto. Or not. Who knows whether Koldo is implicated or not? But one thing we do know is that Saunier Duval defended him all year long, claiming he didn't have anything to do with Fuentes' business and started him in several races. But then, when his contract was up for renewal, he was suddenly a persona non grata because of his links to the scandal. This doesn't make sense! And neither does Iban's case. As Iban's test has been sent to a THIRD laboratory, the first two laboratories certainly didn't return straight-forward positives. But then, after supporting Iban and stating that they would wait for the return of the counter-analysis to judge him, he's suddenly fired. What's going on over in Cantabria? Someone's trying to wash their hands clean if you ask me...


  1. Anonymous1:33 am

    If SDV are trying to clean up the team they'd better get rid of Simoni, Ricco and Piepoli as well

  2. Simoni is off to Selle Italia

  3. Anonymous10:18 am

    I cant say that I'm surprised they cut him loose, its all across the sport of cycling today, if your name is somewhat mentioned in the same sentence as a positive sample you will go down.

  4. Man they're going to regret it if Iban and Koldo get cleared...
