Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Still no answer

OK, so I guess you're all laughing at my "I've got this strange feeling that tomorrow will be the day the test result will be unveiled" now. It turned out Monday, or Tuesday and Wednesday for that matter, wasn't the day. I don't know what to write on the subject anymore, as there's really not a hell of a lot more to say on the matter. Though, I'm wondering what's going through Iban's head right now. Has he got a clue to what's going on? Or is he just like the rest of us, left with no idea what's going on or what will happen? This process can only take so long... But, then again, I said that on Thursday as well...


  1. Anonymous11:23 pm

    Man, this is just unbelievable! What the hell is going on UCI? Can it have anything to do with them saying that Iban was a target? They would sure look like stupid fools if the B-sample is negative...

    And now I'm getting my hopes up because it's taking so long for them, not good...

  2. You're right, that "target"-teory is a good one...

  3. Anonymous9:16 am

    This is just a ****-ing joke. I am a n analytical chemist myself and this is unbelievable!.

    Remember that Iban is out of salary and out of competition due to this analysis!!. If the B-sample would have been analyze in time he could be cycling now in "La vuelta". What kind of "proffesionals" work in there??.

    How the fuck can take a simple analysis two weeks!!!!. They were much faster with the A-sample

    I agree with all of you ... there is something that does not smell good with this positive ...

  4. Definetely, something's not right... But, you're an analytical cheimist you say. What are the possibilities you think? what are the options?

  5. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Well, I do not work with EPO analysis and I do not know the exact procedure for analyzing it.

    What I can say is that this analysis is taking really long time. Too long. They should have the results for long time ago, maybe they are rechecking the results because they did not get a clear positive/negative.

    From what I read in internet about EPO they have some values for a positive. If you have more than the value is a positive if you have less is a negative. But if you are in the limit??, well I suppose that they have a protocol for deciding this.

    In my opinion they got something that does not match what is expected and they are rechecking it. Or they loose the sample, or they mix it or they contaminate it (so it can not be used any more). Unfortunately lots of things can happen in a chemistry lab, and the only thing we can do is to trust the people making the analysis, carrying the sample, handling the sample ... For example, the sample should be freeze ... maybe they forget it outside the freezer for to long and now the sample is spoiled and not able to be analyse any more.

    I hope I clarified a little. I am gonna try to find some information about EPO analysis, then maybe I can ask more precise.

  6. Anonymous5:46 pm

    That would be great, I definately want to learn more about by now.

    The strangest thing in the whole story according to me is maybe the words of a boss of the Tour de France or the UCI.

    He said something like this:
    "We kept an eye on this rider for a long time, and now there is the result."

    With other words, they distrusted him before he was positive (or not...), and they could finally accuse him of doping usage.

    Strange story of a high boss.

  7. Yeah, but that's how the cycling world works at the moment. Guilty if not prooven innocent seems to be the thing these days. governing bodies like the UCI should not be allowed to say things like that until he's been prooven guilty; it's a disgrace.

  8. Anonymous7:27 pm

    This story isn't clear and the UCI isn'tclear too... That's sure...

  9. Anonymous9:30 pm

    After this story is ended, Mayo will not only be a hero, but it will be Saint Mayo from then on. :D
