Sunday, October 14, 2007

83 days

As I predicted before I left for Prague two weeks ago, there's no news on Iban's B-sample. Not a sound from the man himself, not a notice from the UCI, not ONE interview, nothing on Saunier's homepage, nothing on Iban's. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Don't know what to make of it, and I find it strange that Iban hasn't issued a press-release or something of that kind since the news broke. I've been checking every Spanish newspaper for ages now, but with no result. Though, I'll keep looking out for news and, if I find any, I'll give them to you straigth away.


  1. Anonymous9:37 pm

    You should check spanish forums because there is some talk and rumors regarding Iban. By the way, the other day this got in some media(including MARCA paper edition):

    It's not that strange that it takes so long. Look at Luca Ascani's positive(June 26) for EPO and the second sample was just known to be also positive on early october. Don't dream, the second sample will also be positive

  2. Anonymous10:20 pm

    I agree, it seems like all EPO B-tests are tested several times now...

  3. I guess you're right, both of you.

  4. Anonymous11:10 am

    If he was clean don't you think that he would have taken action against his accusers by now?.
