Saturday, October 20, 2007

Changes to the blog

The 2007 season is just about to be finished, so some changes will be made to the blog of course. A 2007 season review on Iban's campaign will of course appear on the blog, but only after the result of the B-sample is unveiled naturally. His biography will also be updated when that time comes. I'll do profiles on all three Euskaltel recruits, and remove those no longer part of the team, and some links, like the Saunier Duval links, will disappear as the new cycling season approaches. But I'm writing this to find out if there's something else you want me to change, be it the title, polls, features or just some links. Anything. I'm hoping for a lot of feedback on this one, and I'm open to every suggestion. Well, almost that is. I'm not shutting it down or anything...


  1. You should remove some of the links because some of them don't work, like

  2. Oh you already removed that one, ok :D

  3. Anonymous9:36 am

    Difficult to say, because I like the site as it is. The layout is oke, and the contents too...

  4. yeah, many of the links, to riders especially, don't work...

  5. Anonymous12:49 pm

    Well, as long as you keep this blog going, I'll be happy. I would love to see more interviews from you (you interviewing riders trough mail or something like that), but it probably isn't so easy to get those interviews I guess, but it would be great, thats for sure...

  6. Anonymous3:30 pm

    what aobut changing the blog's name? Shame on iban

  7. That's not going to happen anonymous...

  8. Anonymous4:00 pm

    By the way, will write about what happened with Iban in that restaurant?

  9. I'm not sure, as I didn't quite get what exactly happened. I didn't manage to translate it well enough I feel to post something on it...

  10. Anonymous12:33 pm

    The article says that Iban went to the restaurant in Bilbao with 5 friends, one of whom was a local TV journalist. Iban was drunk, and started telling obscene jokes and making abusive gestures which upset other diners. Later he went to the toilets for a smoke, even though smoking was banned in the restaurant. Somehow, a toilet roll was set on fire, and there was a small fire in the toilets.

    Sounds as if Iban was really letting off steam. Was it the same day as his fan club race?

    Anyway, keep up the good work, Magnus, and don't take Iban's name off the blog.

  11. dont know about the links-never tried them,A great site with obvious passion for basque cycling
    always a good entertaining informative read.
    look forward to seeing iban back in the peleton?
