Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"I'm calm"

In an interview with Basque daily DEIA today, Iban said he's calm and not at all surprised by the actions taken by the UCI. This is what Iban had to say: "How many counter-analysis are they going to do? This is absolutely illegal. And I don't think it's practically possible to do another analysis now. I'm not surprised at all that the UCI have decided to do this. I knew they weren't going to just sit down and accept it. They have to do something to try to cover-up the failure and to hide the fact that their methods don't work. Though, I'm surprised they didn't go directly to CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) and instead requested another analysis of the sample. We all know this is totally illegal." Though, Iban was also keen to look at the positives:"I received the notification from the Spanish Cycling Federation today, where they say they've shelved my case. Because of that, I'm calm." Time to give it up, UCI? You're fighting a loosing battle...

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