Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Poll results: Will Iban ever return to pro cycling?

We're entitled to hope, and it seems a lot of you are. An amazing 61 % voted "yes", something which has everything to do with the confusion surrounding the testing of Iban's B-sample. It's encouraging to see so many of you still have the belief. Keep it up!


  1. Anonymous12:46 am

    who is going for euskaltel on montjuic this weekend? Euskaltel has won the last three years with antón and samuel before

  2. yeah, I'm afraid I don't know. Samu used to go, but as he's doing the Lombardia he'll perhaps take a pass on it. Or not... After all, he's done the two previously. Probably most of the good climbers not riding on Saturday will take part, together with, hopefully, Samu and Igor.

  3. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I didn't vote. Don't want to keep to much hope, because it is (sadly) likely that he will be positive...

    Though Nino (Colombian rider) had a positive A - sample, but is now spoken free (no good English I guess)! So it is still possible...

  4. Is Niño cleared? I didn't know that. Was the B-sample negative?

  5. Anonymous9:32 am

    Iban has been getting into trouble off the bike.

    "Iban Mayo causa problemas en un restaurante céntrico de Bilbao

    El ciclista vasco, Iban mayo, causó esta semana pasada diversos problemas en un restaurante céntrico de Bilbao. El ciclista estaba acompañado de otros cinco amigos, uno de ellos un conocido periodista de una televisión local.

    Mayo, en estado de embriaguez, comenzó a hacer bromas obscenas y de mal gusto, molestando a otros clientes del establecimiento de hostelería y provocando diversos incidentes. También fue al cuarto de baño a fumar, dado que en el local no estaba permitido y para que no le descubrieran su , no se le ocurrió otra cosa que quemar un rollo de papel higiénico que a punto estuvo de provocar un pequeño incendio.

    Iban Mayo dio positivo por dopaje en el pasado Tour de Francia y fue expulsado del equipo donde corría."

  6. Yeah, I read that somewhere some days ago. Doesn't sound too good does it?
