Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Amets gets 61 kilos of cheese

No, you didn't misread it. Amets will today, at 19:00 in Ordizia, receive his weight in cheese. The young climber, who caught everyone's attention in the Tour this year, will be awarded the cheese by bullfighting club El Albero as a recognition for his heroics on the bike this year. Amets will be accompanied by sports director Jon Odriozola. I'd love to know exactly how the handing-over of the cheese is going to happen. I'm also at a loss to figure out what he's going to do with it, something I'm sure he is too, but he'll no doubt appreciate the recognition anyway.


  1. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Hihi, he will eather have to eat the cheese very quick or to make presents to all of his friends... it will begin to stink after some days hihihi

  2. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Only one word for it: Mad :D

  3. Totally, but also kinda cool:D

  4. Anonymous10:10 pm

    Coeur de Lion used to award the cyclist's weight in cheese to the winner of the combativity award every day in the Tour de France. Stephen Roche used to pick the winner. I think the prize was usually donated to charity, a local hospital or home for the elderly.
