Monday, November 05, 2007

The boring off-season has started...

We've come to the end of another uneventful weekend for Euskaltel and Iban. Nothing's happening with the team these days, and I'm afraid it's going to stay that way for some time now, as the roster for next year is completed. It's going to be a quiet off-season, but they'll be back racing in less than two months down in Australia, so the 2008 season isn't really that far away luckily... An end to Iban's case is still a long way off as well, so I've got no news for you. I doubt there'll be any news on the case tomorrow either, but, hey, it's Monday tomorrow, so I guess there's always hope, right?


  1. Anonymous10:09 am

    Always hope on mondays Magnus

  2. Anonymous8:12 pm

    Maybe next Monday then... Funny 'cause I used to hate Mondays(tell me why), but nowadays the Monday really is kind of the cliff hanger of the week! But I'm wondering; what if the UCI will delay the case even further in order to shatter Iban's 2008 season opening? Is there a possibility that they would do something like that?

  3. Yeah of course :p The UCI can do everything and they will do everything to keep "bad guys" away

  4. Agree with you on that, I'm afraid this is going to drag on forever...
