Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Egoi: "The team has changed"

In today's El Correo there is an interview with the returning Egoi Martínez. The 29-year-old will be one of Euskaltel's main hopes for success come the new season, and was looking forward to assuming leadership responsabilities. He mainly talks of his stay with Discovery, put also had something to say about his new team. Read on: "It's been the hardest winter ever. As I'll be one of the captains I've had to put down a lot of work. I hope to return to the level I displayed in 2006. Here, like with Discovery, I'll have freedom in some races, but sometimes I'll work for the others as well. After all, there are many good riders in this team. The team has changed a lot; you can easily see that from outside as well. We talked about how the team has changed in Discovery. I've always got along well with Miguel Madariaga, and I like Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano's vision of the sport. He'a an intelligent director."


  1. Is the interview on line ? If it is, can we have the link please ? Thanx

  2. Sorry, donæt have a link. It was in yesterday's El Correo, that's all I can say

  3. Anonymous4:39 pm

    http://team-euskaltel.blogspot.com/ has it.
