Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Haimar celebrated as best Basque Tour rider 2007

Haimar will on the 23rd of November, for the fourth time in his career, receive the prize as the best Basque Tour de France rider of 2007 from the Urka-Mendi de Zizurkil cycling society. In winning his fourth award, Haimar surpasses Basque greats Joseba Beloki and Abraham Olano who've both won it three times. Only legends Marino Lejarreta and Miguel Indurain are ahead of him on the list of winners, having won it five times each.


  1. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Has Iban Mayo won this?

  2. Anonymous8:41 pm

    I can't imagine that he has, only once has he been in the top10 (2003) and even then Zubeldia was one place better...

  3. Nope, never, but I find that a bit odd actually. Okay, Haimar was 5th and Iban 6th in 2003, but arguably Iban was more of a danger to Lance and the rest.

  4. Do you think Samy Sanchez will ride the ever ride the tour?

  5. If he wins the vuelta next year I think he's a bit obligated to ride the tour the year after that, so he probably will :D

  6. Well, he did ride it in 2003, and he'll probably ride it again in 2009. At least I hope so...

  7. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Let him ride the first stage next year, it will be possible for him to wear the yellow yersey!

  8. Anonymous11:58 pm

    He rode the Tour in 2002 and 2003, but he did not finish. I talked to him about a possible participation and he said that he will participate another time but not next year.
