Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Samu to do Tour

Samu will, according to several sources, probably do the Tour instead of the Vuelta next year. Samu, who's been brilliant in the Vuelta the last few years, has his eyes firmly set on the Beijing Olymipcs in the summer of 2008. The course is tailor-made for him and, as the Tour ends just 10 days prior to it, he figured "why not do the Tour as well?". Samu did the Tour in 2002 and 2003 I think, but hasn't participated ever since. It would be a big boost to the whole squad if Samu was to take part, as he'll no doubt leave his mark on the race.


  1. Anonymous4:33 pm

    I think next years Tour will suit Samu good! One short TT, no TTT, and alot more semi-hard stages than usual...

  2. Definetely, I've been thinking the same thing.

  3. Anonymous4:38 pm

    Yeah, maybe a podium?:D
    No, be with the first 10 will be oke. And win a stage of course (first one would be great, it ends on top of a hill, so yellow Euskaltel:D).
    It would be for first time since Mayo that Euskaltel did win a stage in Tour!
    Oke, don't be happy too early though.

  4. The profile looks perfect for him...

  5. Anonymous12:54 am

    IF he will participate, he will not aim to win it... it will be the preparation for the Olympic Games
