Friday, November 02, 2007

Saunier need Iban as big-names leave

As seems likely, yet undecided at the time of writing, is that Iban will be riding for Saunier Duval come next season. If that's indeed the case, Iban will have even more of a team-leader role it seems. Big-name riders like Koldo Gil, David Millar, Fran Ventoso and Gilberto Simoni have all opted for pastures new, so they won't be around next year. That means Iban will likely lead the team in the Tour, perhaps together with Marchante, if the CAS rule in Iban's favour. Saunier Duval recently revealed their 26-man strong line-up for 2008. Iban does not figure, but "the decision on Iban Mayo's case has not been made yet" it says on their homepage. Though, I find it likely that he'll be cleared and will be riding for the team and, given the team's low average age and lack of big names, they sorely need him.


  1. Anonymous9:03 am

    well... saunier still has some of the best riders of spain:
    COBO was really good this year
    and INTXAUSTI (this guy is going to be a monster!!!)

  2. Anonymous4:26 pm


    Saunier has a strong team. People like Arkaitz Duran are going to be in the first line next year, and they have a new rider, maybe one of the main riders in the future of cycling, as Eros Capecchi.

  3. I was expecting a lot of Arkaitz this year, but he didn't deliver:( But, I guess he's still young, so perhaps next year will be his year. I sure hope so, as he's got an amazing talent.
