Saturday, December 22, 2007

Where did you all go?

Iban has got all the support in the world from his fans it seems. His fanbase is huge, much bigger than he probably knows himself. Though, where did the support from his employer go? Wouldn't it be natural that his team, Saunier Duval-Scott, gave him their backing in his dispute with the UCI? I certainly think so, and "Matxin" and all those guys have really let me down on this one. Most teams, if not all, would help their rider if he's being subjected to unfair and disgraceful treatment from the governing body of cycling. I haven't heard a word from them. Well, that's not totally true, I have heard "Matxin" saying something about how he feels bad for Iban and all that, but come on, you guys can do better than that! I guess they're afraid of falling out with the UCI if they support him, and rightly so, but that's not a sufficient excuse. Gianetti, Iban's your employee, he's not being treated the way he should, he's got certain rights as a human being, so get the finger out and do something. An employer is responsible for his/hers employees. That's all that counts; take action.


  1. Anonymous12:37 am

    Being a part of the Pro Tour and being able to participate in the biggest races will always be more important to a team than one single rider, that's just how simple it is. And what can they do, really? Their opinion won't make a difference no matter what. It's up to the lawyers now, I understand Saunier, if Iban is judged then goodbye to him, if he's cleared then welcome back. May seem cynical to some, but that's just how it is, don't think any other team would've acted any other way in a similar case. Maybe if he's cleared but still not allowed to race "the big ones" then they will say something, but that's another situation...

  2. Well, Caisse were pretty suportive of Valverde I seem to remember...

  3. Anonymous2:32 am

    Not the same situation, Valverde never tested positive for anything. In Mayo's case you have a positive A-sample and now also an positive B-sample, what can Saunier do? They'll have to wait and see if Iban is judged for this or not. Valverde's case was about someone (UCI?) claiming that he was deeply involved in Operation Puerto, but not beeing able to prove it. I'm sure Saunier will speak up for Iban if he's not judged and the UCI still tries to keep him out. Now they'll have to wait and see how it all turns out, perfectly understandable in my opinion...

  4. Anonymous2:27 pm

    Over the last few months I've seen several messages of support from Matxin for Iban. Whether these messages had the backing of SDV I'm not sure.

  5. has something about his team supporting him Matxin bashes mcquaid pretty good.
