Sunday, January 20, 2008

Galdos opens season with 16th place

Aitor Galdos got Euskaltel's season off to an okay start by claiming 16th place in the Tour Down Under Classic criterium today. Aitor was one of only 19 riders to come in on the same time as the winner and, considering the time difference and the exteme heat, I'm pretty pleased with that performance. He probably didn't get to sprint properly, but still beat other fast men like Grame Brown and Robert Förster. None of the other Euskaltel riders came in with the first group, but that's not really important as this pre-race criterium has no effect on the GC. Full results:
  • 16th, Aitor Galdos, 0:00
  • 41st, Amets Txurruka, 0:23
  • 56th, Mikel Astarloza, 0:31
  • 69th, Andoni Lafuente, 0:36
  • 97th, Jon Bru, 1:01
  • 98th, Iván Velasco, 1:01
  • 122nd, Javier Aramendia, 1:34


  1. Anonymous1:08 am

    Hi! I'm an italian girl, your blog is very good, I often read it because i'm a supporter of Iban and Euskadi and here I find the last news about them. I have a blog, too, it's written in italian because my english is not good as yours. I would ask you if you're interested to add my link into your blog. I already add your site in mine.

  2. Hi, thanks:D Of course I'll add your blog, I'll do it right away.
