Thursday, February 21, 2008

Aitor 7th in last Ruta stage

Aitor once again sprinted well to grab 7th on the last stage of the Ruta del Sol - Vuelta Ciclista Andalucía. His form is most certainly good, but the win still eludes him. The stage didn't produce any changes to the overall standings, so Mikel will probably feel a little disappointed to finish 4th overall. But still though, great riding again from him. All Euskaltel rider came in with the main pack today except for Josu and Igor. Josu ended up 13 seconds down, while Igor was 30. Jon tried to catch up with the break all day long, but in the end gave up as the duo at the front showed no signs of letting up. He too seems to be in a rather good shape. Anyway, that leaves us with the following final overall standings:
  • 4th, Mikel Astarloza
  • 23rd, Igor Antón
  • 33rd, Jorge Azanza
  • 42nd, Aitor Galdos
  • 45th, Dioni Galparsoro
  • 47th, Jon Bru
  • 69th, Josu Agirre

Euskaltel ended up 6th in the team ranks, while Igor was 2nd in the Metas Volantes competition. Aitor, due to his consistently good sprinting, was 4th in the clasificacion regularidad. Mikel was of course also second in the Best Spaniard competition. All in all a good performance from the team, some riders seem to have their form spot on for the early-season. A win though would have been great, just to get underway for real...

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