Monday, February 11, 2008

Amets breaks collarbone in Mallorca

Amets sadly crashed and broke his collarbone in today's second stage of the Volta Ciclista a Mallorca. Amets hit the tarmac early on, but remounted his bike quickly only to pull out at the next feed-station. Amets, who was targeting a strong start to the season, now faces a possibly lengthy spell on the sidelines. Other than that though, it was a really good day for the team. Euskaltel won today's team classification, and leads it overall, Andoni was again in the break and now leads the Metas Volantes competition, and Aitor came home 8th and is now 7th overall. Though, I must say I'm not entirely happy with Aitor's sprinting. Aitor was part of an 8-man strong group left to fight it out for the win, and he came in last of those eight. Clearly something isn't right, as Aitor's got incredible end-speed. Maybe there was a crash at the end, or a mishap or something, I don't know, but still I expect him to do better in a sprint like that. Anyway, it's a sign of strength that he at all was in that group. Jon and Haimar came in 11th and 12th respectively, thus securing the team win. Rubén, Beñat and Gorka were also in that second group, 3 seconds down, while Aitor placed 92nd, 20 seconds back, Iván 122nd, 39 down, and the most active of the day, Andoni, placed 152nd, 2:26 in arrears. That leaves us with the following GC with three stages left to ride:
  • 7th, Aitor Galdos, 0:oo
  • 11th, Jon Bru, 0:03
  • 12th, Haimar Zubeldia, 0:03
  • 13th, Beñat Albizuri, 0:03
  • 27th, Gorka Verdugo, 0:03
  • 77th, Aitor Hernández, 0:38
  • 111th, Iván Velasco, 2:14
  • 115th, Andoni Lafuente, 2:46

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