Thursday, February 14, 2008

Haimar finishes 3rd overall on Mallorca

Haimar successfully defended his place on the podium on today's last stage of the Volta a Mallorca. He sprinted to a really good 10th on the stage, just ahead of Rubén in 11th, and therefore maintained his 3rd place overall. Jon came home 18th, and therefore ended up 5th, which is a great result and a great start to the season for him. Beñat didn't ride today, for one reason or another, so he of course lost his 6th place overall. Gorka, though, rode today as well, coming in 28th, 7 seconds back, and as a result grabbed a good 12th place on GC. Those three were the only Euskaltel riders who did all five stages, but 3 riders in the top 12 is quite something! Javier took part today, and he crossed the line as number 39, 15 seconds in arrears, something Iñigo and Iván also did. The last Euskaltel rider to come in was Lander, who ended up 58th, 20 seconds down. All in all some great performances from the riders, especially Haimar, Beñat, Jon and Aitor. The team as a unit also performed well, eventhough they didn't hold on to their first place. They ended up 4th in the end, but I guess no one really cares about that. A good start to the season for sure!


  1. Anonymous9:46 pm

    All five stages instead of three, magnus ;)

  2. I don't get that team rank thing, it's so rigged :s

  3. It's a totally lame classification. It should be more based on GC than on each single stage. Just like in the Tour, where Euskaltel finished behind Rabobank even after Rasmussen had been kicked out.
