Thursday, February 28, 2008

Heaven or hell

In two days we will all know what the future holds for Iban. The Court of Arbitration for Sport will issue their ruling on Saturday; that's the plan anyway. Though, for once in this neverending saga, I think we'll get a decision. He'll either be cleared or sanctioned. There's no room for appeals. If he's cleared, well, he's free to race; whatever that means in today's pro cycling. If he's sanctioned though, it's the end. Goodbye. I can't see him return to cycling if he's suspended. If so, cycling will have lost one of their most gifted and charismatic riders. I'm confident though that he'll be cleared; I don't want to get everyone's hopes up, but he will. CAS simply can't convict him of doping in this case. No way. It'd be a crime. I'm nervous, I admit that. It might be the end for our hero. But there's no use to keep speculating on this. What happens, happens. That's life. All we can do is wait and hope for the best. I'm not going to pray, as I'm not religious. But for those of you who are, please do.


  1. Anonymous2:41 pm

    I'm very exited about the outcome, will be very nice to finaly get a closeure to this case, one way ore the other. But what I'm quite sure about is that we will never see Iban in the Tour again, and that's a shame! He tested positve in the Tour, and in theese crazy days for cycling, I don't think ASO will ever let him ride... But we can maybe hope for the Vuelta, this years route should suit him good I think!

  2. Anonymous2:41 pm

    I'm very exited about the outcome, will be very nice to finaly get a closeure to this case, one way ore the other. But what I'm quite sure about is that we will never see Iban in the Tour again, and that's a shame! He tested positve in the Tour, and in theese crazy days for cycling, I don't think ASO will ever let him ride... But we can maybe hope for the Vuelta, this years route should suit him good I think!

  3. guilty or not (lets hope not)
    iban is the most enigmatic,charismatic,charming
    rider of our generation.

  4. Anonymous6:02 pm

    At last... I will be at work on saturday luckily, so I don't have to check every newspage every two minutes:D

    bolson3: I agree with you on the Tourthing, it will be a big shame indeed, the Tour will never be the same without him but that stupid ASO just doesn't realise that. When I now think about a Tour without Mayo, I feel... empty. Very strange feeling, and even the participation of Sanchez and Zubeldia won't fill up that gap I guess.

    Let's hope for the Vuelta indeed, but let's first hope for justice. I don't really care anymore about his real using of doping or not anymore, as long as he rides again I am happy!

    He will still be my hero, no matter what the CAS is going to decide!

  5. Anonymous7:49 pm

    Agree with you on the "doping or not doping" question, arnout, I don't really care about that anymore. I guess it's a big possibility that Iban, as so many others in his generation, at some point have used dope in his career. Being sure that he hasn't would be quite naive. But of course every man is innocent until proven otherwise, so if CAS finds there is not enough or not good enough proof to suspend him, then everybody should treat him like a 100% clean rider, ASO included...

  6. Anonymous7:54 pm

    But I will loose A LOT of respect for Iban if they find him guilty, no doubt about that. But you can't change the past, so he will still be my all time favorite rider. I don't think the world will ever see a rider with such a beautiful climbingstyle again, ever...

  7. Definetely. Yeah, Contador, Evans, Valverde, they climb well, but it's just not the same thing, you know what I mean?

  8. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Man, Evans, that's no climbing, that's raking (as we call that in Dutch). There's no rider I hate more than Evans. The style of Contador is good though, I really like his furious attacks. But nothing compared to the Alpe d'Huez attack of Iban of course. I watch the clip of that climb every 3 weeks, and still everytime I am impressed.

    But I am nearly sure that he doped in that Tour though. Everyone did, Ullrich, Mancebo, Vinokourov, Hamilton, Armstrong most likely and also Zubeldia. I cannot believe anymore that Mayo could follow them clean. Zubeldia doped too I think, because he was a great climber and time - trialist, and now he is less good in climbing but he has to offer his time trial for that climbing. So why could he do both in 2003?

    That are the facts, you cannot deny them. Not that I care, I mean, everyone doped, so the competition was still the same. They are still heroes for me!

  9. Anonymous12:15 am

    Yeah, Evans is fuck ugly climber! That's for sure! But yes Magnus, I get what you mean. No one can be compared to Iban, he has his own style, so classy and neat to watch. When he's in form it looks so easy, as if there's no effort at all. And the way he moves his over body from side to side, not a 100% effective for sure, but a very cool style!

    And yes, agree again with arnout, they probably were doped back then. People talk about everybody being doped in the 90's, but they sure were in 2003 too. Things like that don't change over night. It's getting better and better now, but I would say it is a big possibility that all in top 10 was doped in 2003...
