Monday, February 25, 2008

Poll results: Should Euskaltel try to bring back Herrero?

Indeed they should. 86 % think that Euskaltel should do what they can to get him back, as he's a young, quality rider. He's got it all this rider; why the h*** did they not give him the money he wanted back in 2006?


  1. Anonymous10:20 pm

    It was about money I remember?

    And there were also some rumours about doping I thought.

    But it would be a great addition to Euskaltel!

  2. There were certainly some financial issues, but doping?

  3. Anonymous12:31 pm

    That's what I remembered, but I can be wrong of course :D

  4. No, you may be right for all I know, I just can't recall it at all:P

  5. Anonymous3:24 am

    Herrero es un corredor bueno, pero egoista. No encaja con la filosofia actual del equipo, la que generó la llegada de Igor. Roni

  6. OK, but exactly what kind of philosophy is that?

  7. Anonymous6:13 pm

    La filosofía de correr en equipo, de sacrificarse para otros, para el que esté mejor o para el que tenga más posibilidades de ganar. David Herrero sólo aspira a ganar él, y nunca tuvo intenciones de trabajar para todos sino para él solo. Roni

  8. OK, that might be true...
