Sunday, March 30, 2008

Euskaltel shine in Llodio

Euskaltel grabbed 3rd, 4th and 6th in today's GP Llodio. That it was an awesome performance goes without saying I guess. Just a shame that the win eluded the team... Guerra of LA Liberty won solo, a full 1:01 ahead of the chasing peloton which was led hom by Rojas, Aitor Galdos and Koldo, in that order. Dioni landed a brilliant 6th place as well, while Igor came home a good 14th. All four Euskaltel riders were among the 15-man strong chase group. Aitor and Koldo in tandem obviously worked out brilliantly; more of that please! As the list of results is only 20 riders long, there's not much more to say I'm afraid, except for "good job guys".

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