Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gorka 3rd overall as Ventoux loomes

There seems to be no end to Gorka's great form at the moment. In today's 3rd stage, the first of the mountainous ones, he came in with the favourites, got 10th place, and advanced to an impressive 3rd overall. And what's more, he's not more than 8 seconds back on overall leader Sylvain Chavanel. Another rider who had an outstanding ride today, was Igor. On the major climb he seemingly struggled to keep up at times, but, in typical Igor style, he was suddenly back in the mix and attacking the lead group a couple of times. He looked awesome, so I'm no doubt looking forward to see him on the mighty Ventoux tomorrow. He's now 15th overall, 2:45 adrift. The other riders, though, didn't perform to expectations. Haimar's form is a mystery, as he came in a massive 17:06 back. He was supposed to be the team's GC man for the race, but perhaps he's saving his forces for tomorrow. After the unfortunate first two stages, he probably realized that he wouldn't be able to fight for the top overall placings. At least I hope so... Dioni, Markel and Aitor came in at with Haimar's group, while Lander ended up 100th, 19:36 back.


  1. Anonymous12:32 am

    Igor is a funny rider to watch! At one moment he's dropped by several meters, and in the next moment he's in the front attacking! Very special style! Unfortunately his attacks are often too weak I think, he needs to choose his moments more carefully... Hope to see him ride even better at Mount Ventoux!

  2. Anonymous9:18 am

    Hey guy his performance is very stagger he is good player.
