Friday, March 28, 2008

Koldo: "I'm maturing"

Koldo was all smiles when speaking to the media after his win today. Here's what the fast-man had to say to the team's website: "The team has worked a lot in this race. We've done all we can to win, and today we succeeded. Samu was phenomenal on the first three stages, but he didn't manage to actually grab a win. He was fifth in the time trial, attacked on the climb to Ávila, and he came second in the sprint on stage three. He's preparing himself for the Tour de France at this time, but with the class he possesses he can do anything. We've been fighting every day and, although you can be pleased with the yield without a win to show for it, a win brings tranquility and it highlights the great work of the team. We find it hard to win in this team, but we're getting there." Speaking about his own development, he said: "I'm calmer than I used to be when approaching a sprint. I'm still not as calm as I should be, but I'm maturing. I'm more confident and I've got more belief in myself, and as a result I do a lot fewer mistakes than I used to. In the end the experience helps you to time the sprint better and to trust yourself more. The closing kilometres were quite dangerous today. I had the support of Isasi and Txurruka in the final part, and they were both vital in keeping the race under control. The last two turns to the left were dangerous; someone even fell... I was lucky to avoid it, and in the last metres I got infront without getting out of the saddle at all." Speaking of the near future and the upcoming races, he said: "The primary target is to arrive in top form for the Giro, and I'm getting there. My form is getting better all the time. Today a group of the 25 strongest formed, and I was in it. Therefore I'm not dicarding anything facing the GP Llodio on Sunday. I'll try to stay with the best ones and fight for the win. I worked hard this winter, and now I'm able reap the benefits of that work. It's very rewarding, and I must take full advantage of these moments." And my word he does...

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