Monday, March 03, 2008

Weekend round-up

So I'm back, and it seems I haven't missed a thing. What's up, CAS? Taking some days off? When is all this going to end? I guess their ruling is only a few days away, but, hey, I don't know anything more than you do, so this might drag on for a little while longer. No word from either Iban nor the UCI. I'm at a loss to decide what I'm going to do with the blog IF Iban is suspended or retires though. Should I keep it going anyway? I don't know, any input or views from you my readers will be appreciated.

It's been a good few days for Euskaltel though. Koldo showed magnificent early-season form by sprinting to a convincing 4th place in Almería. Lookin' forward to see him in Murcia tomorrow... Rubén showed just how versatile and good rider he is in Valenciana by sprinting to 5th on the last stage, and I was overjoyed to see Gorka hang on to his 5th place overall. I know a 5th place isn't a win or anything, but it was a quality field down there in Valencia so it was a really good performance from him. More of that please!


  1. Anonymous11:52 pm

    I really appreciate your blog. I'm a huge Euskaltel-fan, and I'm at your blog every day to check for any news regarding the men in orange. I hope you will continue with your blog independant of any ruling against Mayo.

  2. Anonymous12:56 am

    What the fuck is going on??? I expected to get a final decision on Saturday, but hell no! This whole ordeal is really staring to piss me off! Are there anyone in the cycling/sports offices who can do their job? Hoping for a result VERY soon!

    And I hope your blog will live one regardless of Ibans outcome. Make it a Euskadi blog instead! (if Iban is suspended). Sure, I care more about Iban than Euskaltel, but I', sill a huge fan of the orange lads!

  3. Anonymous9:36 am

    Go on, Magnus! Keep this blog, its really great... just make it an Euskaltel blog... or a Basque-riders blog... dont leave!
    Animo y aupa!

  4. Anonymous4:48 pm

    No, please don't leave! Maybe you can make a big brother show of the life of Iban of this blog :D

    And it isn't strange that a trial take longer than one day I believe.

  5. Yeah Magnus you cant leave. This blog is what keeps all of us non-european residents in the loop with the men in orange. Please don't shut it down!!

  6. Anonymous5:39 pm

    The "trial" has been going on a long tome before Saturday, hasn't it? As I understood it, a decision were promised on March 1.

  7. Yeah, that's what I heard...

  8. Anonymous12:49 pm

    Saunier have answered a friend of mine that Iban case is now in Lausana, start the saturday, but take several days, so we must wait a just little (sorry about my english), couse CAS has just 45 days, and it is almost over.
    I hope you go on, Magnus, if is not writing about Mayo, you can write about Euskaltel, and I would like about Beñat Intxausti (Saunier), maybe Mayo's reencarnation

  9. Anonymous2:44 pm

    That is good info. let's hope for a final decision soon!

  10. Yeah, thanks for the info!
